Lego Challenge Tuesday – build your own flag

Today I want you to imagine yourself discovering a new land. An undiscovered corner on this Earth. Since you have discovered it, you get to name it and govern it. The first item on your agenda is to create an amazing flag that will represent this beautiful new place that is now yours.

Lego Challenge Tuesday - build your own flag - gatherlovegrow

Create a flag that would represent well your new country. It’s best if it weren’t a random collection of blocks forming a rectangle, but a thought out flag. One with meaning. With this in mind, I made my kids redo their flags and come up with something more meaningful. Here is what they’ve created:


This Lego challenge is a perfect way to introduce the concept of flags to your children. You can discuss the colors used in flag making. You could select a strange or intriguing flag from around the world and study the meaning behind it. It is usually filled with history and would make a great lesson. Have fun with this.

Happy Lego Challenge Tuesday!

See you again next week.

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