Lego Challenge Tuesday – build a catapult

Good morning everyone!

For today’s challenge I will be doing things differently. We have decided to share with you a great Lego challenge we found on the internet. This particular one comes from Continue reading

Lego Challenge Tuesday – summer treats

Welcome to another Lego Challenge Tuesday!

We have been swimming in the rain for the past week and I can’t wait to see the sun again! I have been imagining myself enjoying some sunshine and a little bit of heat. I don’t know about you, but over here, when it gets really hot outside, the kids like to eat some popsicles and ice cream and other cool treats. Continue reading

Lego Challenge Tuesday – build a bridge

Hello everyone!

Today’s challenge will require some engineer skills. Put your thinking cap on and let’s go. Continue reading

Miracle Monday -angel in disguise

For almost a year and a half now, we’ve been in the process of adopting Little Miss R. It’s actually been longer than that, but officially and legally speaking, it will be a year and half at the end of June. Continue reading

Lego Challenge Tuesday – zipline

Hi there! Glad you could make it to this week’s Lego Challenge.

We had so much fun today. The kids kept playing with their Lego creations even after the challenge was over. You know it’s successful when the kids don’t want to stop! Continue reading

Miracle Monday – the seed

I’ve been doing Miracle Monday every week for a little while now. I’ve decided to change things a bit and only have a Miracle Monday on the first Monday of each month. Continue reading

The other side of adoption

Imagine you’re a single mother, caring for your children the best you can, you love them dearly. Then one day, social services comes knocking on your door telling you your children will be taken away from you if you don’t meet a certain list of criteria. You’re not doing your job as a parent. How do you feel? Scared? Confused? Angry? Sad? Continue reading

Lego Challenge Tuesday – build your own flag

Today I want you to imagine yourself discovering a new land. An undiscovered corner on this Earth. Since you have discovered it, you get to name it and govern it. The first item on your agenda is to create an amazing flag that will represent this beautiful new place that is now yours.

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