Lego Challenge Tuesday – build a symmetry

I had a hard time deciding what to do for this week’s challenge. I searched online for inspiration and found a great idea that worked well with what we’ve been learning in math lately. Symmetry. This great idea was found at mama.papa.bubba.

Lego Tuesday Challenge - build a symmetry

With my youngest, we started by doing exactly what was suggested at mama.papa.bubba. It was a great way to introduce him to symmetry. I made half of a butterfly, gave him the necessary pieces to complete it, then he had to figure out where the pieces went to make the symmetry.

2016-04-25 09.24.37

He did great!

2016-04-25 09.25.42

Once he understood the concept of symmetry, the three of them got to make their own creations. One rule: it must be symmetrical.

Here is what they made.

2016-04-25 09.25.17
a devil skeleton
2016-04-25 09.30.22
Pikachu with a top hat
2016-04-25 10.06.32
a light saber
2016-04-25 10.08.26
an apple
2016-04-25 10.11.24
a video game


Now it’s your turn to play with symmetry. Try out the butterfly activity from mama.papa.bubba, then try to make your own creations.

Consider this your official challenge!

Once you’re done, take pictures and share them with us on our facebook page or share a link to your photos in our comments box below.

Happy Lego Challenge Tuesday…Have fun!!!


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